Perfect For Outdoor Gear - Equipped with an EVA box for storage. An excellent equipment for camping, hiking, overnight trips or any other outdoor activities. This propane stove is also survival gear and kit.
Flame Control and Steady Support - The flame adjustment knob helps you adjust the flame size according to your needs. Automatically adapt to the arc of the bottom of the backpacking pot, and the serrated tray can easily fix a variety of pots and utensils. Without fear of your cooking pot falling over.
New Version Infrared Stove - Unlike traditional camping stoves, infrared stove does not produce dancing flames. That’s why the infrared stove is much more safety as no flame would touch you! As the burning head is made of 3100pcs fire vents, the infrared stove will performance Sufficient burning for less energy. Also, you don’t need to worry about the wind as it’s excellent wind-resistant performance. Pick it and you will be amazed by its outstanding appearance and impeccable functionality.
Robust Power and Wind Resistant Construction - This efficient camping stove powered by propane delivers up to 4000W, allowing you to boil 1L of water in just 2 minutes (times may vary based on weather conditions, type of fuel, and cookware used) thanks to its impressive heat output. Additionally, the wind-resistant design significantly improves the performance of your portable stove, leading to considerable fuel savings.
All-in-1 Design - Aluminum alloy and stainless steel are the materials that make up this portable stove, equipped with external ignition and flame controller, make it more convenience and practicable. Equipped with 2 kinds of adapters, perfect for 3 different gas cylinders. Compatible with any 7/16 thread single propane/butane-propane mixed fuel canisters (EN 417). And the 70cm lengthen gas pipe make it safer to stay away from the gas canister. It can be used with gas tank and firewood.
Portable 4000W Infrared Camping Stove for Outdoor Cooking & Backpacking
Perfect For Outdoor Gear - Equipped with an EVA box for storage. An excellent equipment for camping, hiking, overnight trips or any other outdoor activities. This propane stove is also survival gear and kit.
Flame Control and Steady Support - The flame adjustment knob helps you adjust the flame size according to your needs. Automatically adapt to the arc of the bottom of the backpacking pot, and the serrated tray can easily fix a variety of pots and utensils. Without fear of your cooking pot falling over.
New Version Infrared Stove - Unlike traditional camping stoves, infrared stove does not produce dancing flames. That’s why the infrared stove is much more safety as no flame would touch you! As the burning head is made of 3100pcs fire vents, the infrared stove will performance Sufficient burning for less energy. Also, you don’t need to worry about the wind as it’s excellent wind-resistant performance. Pick it and you will be amazed by its outstanding appearance and impeccable functionality.
Robust Power and Wind Resistant Construction - This efficient camping stove powered by propane delivers up to 4000W, allowing you to boil 1L of water in just 2 minutes (times may vary based on weather conditions, type of fuel, and cookware used) thanks to its impressive heat output. Additionally, the wind-resistant design significantly improves the performance of your portable stove, leading to considerable fuel savings.
All-in-1 Design - Aluminum alloy and stainless steel are the materials that make up this portable stove, equipped with external ignition and flame controller, make it more convenience and practicable. Equipped with 2 kinds of adapters, perfect for 3 different gas cylinders. Compatible with any 7/16 thread single propane/butane-propane mixed fuel canisters (EN 417). And the 70cm lengthen gas pipe make it safer to stay away from the gas canister. It can be used with gas tank and firewood.