Perfect For Outdoor Gear - Small size for portable and storage. An excellent equipment for camping, hiking, overnight trips or any other outdoor activities. It is also survival gear and equipment.
Impressive Power and Exceptional Efficiency - These camping stoves boast a peak power output of 2100W, allowing them to boil 1L of water in just a few minutes (timing may vary based on weather conditions, type of fuel, and cooking equipment).
Flame Control and Steady Support - The flame adjustment knob helps you adjust the flame size according to your needs. Stable brackets are suitable for your pots, little pans, kettle or coffee maker.
New Version Mini Stove - Unlike traditional butane stove, this new model camping portable stove is designed to small size and with grain or black stone elements, which is super suitable for outdoor carrying, and improve the ambiance of glamping.The total size of the camping gas stove is B5, weight only 870g, it’ll be your best little helper!
Safety Magnetic Valve - Make of magnetic valve, it won’t be turn on while the gas tank installed incorrectly. The gas tank can only be installed at pointed position. And with insolation plated, the camping burner will transfer most heat out surrounding the gas tank.
Odoland 2100W Lightweight Portable Butane Camp Stove for Camping and Outdoor Activities
Perfect For Outdoor Gear - Small size for portable and storage. An excellent equipment for camping, hiking, overnight trips or any other outdoor activities. It is also survival gear and equipment.
Impressive Power and Exceptional Efficiency - These camping stoves boast a peak power output of 2100W, allowing them to boil 1L of water in just a few minutes (timing may vary based on weather conditions, type of fuel, and cooking equipment).
Flame Control and Steady Support - The flame adjustment knob helps you adjust the flame size according to your needs. Stable brackets are suitable for your pots, little pans, kettle or coffee maker.
New Version Mini Stove - Unlike traditional butane stove, this new model camping portable stove is designed to small size and with grain or black stone elements, which is super suitable for outdoor carrying, and improve the ambiance of glamping.The total size of the camping gas stove is B5, weight only 870g, it’ll be your best little helper!
Safety Magnetic Valve - Make of magnetic valve, it won’t be turn on while the gas tank installed incorrectly. The gas tank can only be installed at pointed position. And with insolation plated, the camping burner will transfer most heat out surrounding the gas tank.