SUGGESTIONS FOR BEE HABITATS: Replace cardboard tubes each season. To effectively manage solitary bees, consider utilizing these tubes alongside paper liners to inspect bee cells and manage parasites.
EASY TO USE: Help the bees! Change tubes each year before March. Set above the ground in a warm, sunny south-facing position. Ideally, near plenty of nectar-rich flowers, plants, and trees. Mason bees are extra beneficial for your plants.
EDUCATIONAL: Watch the bee life cycle! Create a natural, eco-friendly "beehive" habitat. Cardboard tubes are designed to attract solitary bees and can be used to fill existing bee boxes or to make your own simple bee nester.
SOLITARY BEE NESTING TUBES: These cardboard tubes safely attract many nesting bee species, such as mason and orchard bees. These are a gardener's best friend. Beneficial for the pollination of flowers, fruit, and vegetables.
SAFE FOR CHILDREN & PETS: Solitary bees are friendly, industrious, and non-aggressive wild bees. They enhance the productivity of your yard and attract bees to the habitat, rather than cracks in your patio or home.
30 Pack of Solitary Bee Nesting Tubes for Bee Houses
SUGGESTIONS FOR BEE HABITATS: Replace cardboard tubes each season. To effectively manage solitary bees, consider utilizing these tubes alongside paper liners to inspect bee cells and manage parasites.
EASY TO USE: Help the bees! Change tubes each year before March. Set above the ground in a warm, sunny south-facing position. Ideally, near plenty of nectar-rich flowers, plants, and trees. Mason bees are extra beneficial for your plants.
EDUCATIONAL: Watch the bee life cycle! Create a natural, eco-friendly "beehive" habitat. Cardboard tubes are designed to attract solitary bees and can be used to fill existing bee boxes or to make your own simple bee nester.
SOLITARY BEE NESTING TUBES: These cardboard tubes safely attract many nesting bee species, such as mason and orchard bees. These are a gardener's best friend. Beneficial for the pollination of flowers, fruit, and vegetables.
SAFE FOR CHILDREN & PETS: Solitary bees are friendly, industrious, and non-aggressive wild bees. They enhance the productivity of your yard and attract bees to the habitat, rather than cracks in your patio or home.